as it was defined in kujigata-osadamegaki (the law of edo bakufu ) that 連判証文有之諸請負徳用割合請取候定・芝居木戸銭・無尽金 , nakamagoto referred to suits concerning profit-sharing inside a group such as joint enterprise , mutual loan association , admission of play , fee of prostitute and so on . 仲間事は『公事方御定書』に「連判証文有之諸請負徳用割合請取候定・芝居木戸銭・無尽金」と定義されているように共同事業・無尽・芝居木戸銭・遊女揚代など仲間内部における利益分配を巡る訴訟を指した。
as it was defined in kujigata-osadamegaki (the law of edo bakufu ) that 連判証文有之諸請負徳用割合請取候定・芝居木戸銭・無尽金 , nakamagoto referred to suits concerning profit-sharing inside a group such as joint enterprise , mutual loan association , admission of play , fee of prostitute and so on . 仲間事は『公事方御定書』に「連判証文有之諸請負徳用割合請取候定・芝居木戸銭・無尽金」と定義されているように共同事業・無尽・芝居木戸銭・遊女揚代など仲間内部における利益分配を巡る訴訟を指した。